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Everything posted by Ryujiin

  1. The fact that it comes in amps is pretty cool.
  2. Massive change man, even more impressive considering your situation. Keep doing what you are doing. Side by side for you:
  3. Glutes and Delts all the way for this cat. Way back in the IGF-Des days it was calves and bi's with a slin. Easy peezy hit a nerve squeezy.
  4. Toss a little long ester Cialis (if there is such a thing that can be made) in there to keep @CapeBretonDadBod happy....and the rest of us of course who dose 5-10mg day. A little HCG (in a dream world) to keeps the stones dropped.
  5. Update: A good week overall. Keeping the calories above 2K has been tricky but thanks to the wonder thing that is natural peanut butter as well as avocado/soy/wasabi, it has been going much better. Given that my carbs are so low most of the time the extra fat should, in theory, be OK. Weight as of the AM: 100.6kg/221.8lbs (so a long way to go still, but I have 4-5 months) 15% here I come lol. Training has be spot on and I actually feel really good in the gym right now. Not as strong weight wise but I find mentally I'm really pushing for extra reps with balls out much more. Cardio is 20-40min post weights depending on how I feel. If the weight loss stops ill set the min to 25 and see if it picks up. Couple rough progress photos (be gentle) and I also threw in the single bicep for no real reason at all.
  6. I remember this all to well way back in the day when I started doing quad shots. I would limp around work and my boss would often ask me if I needed leave, lol. One night in bed my girl friend at the time pushed her knee into my quad; I woke up and immediately gave her the shove from hell not knowing what I was doing. Her eyes opened, she hauled back and full on punched me in the chest, her eyes closed, back to sleep. Cool and creepy at the same time.
  7. 100% Your log shows me just how lazy I am in comparison and motivates me to push harder.
  8. That would be wild. A 2 shot a week full TRT blend.
  9. @BodyTechPharma Welcome to NL man...or woman...or gender non-specific something something.... Good to have you on board as Im pretty sure GC has been hella busy. Looking forward to your contributions to the board and Im sure the brand.
  10. Just a note about yesterdays intake and training. Made some food swaps on the fly including adding a little natty peanut butter into the mix as well as an avocado with a little soy and wasabi. Again, calories are hard to get in on this IF round and seem to be sitting around 1500Cal/Day which is pretty low. Then again, Im pretty fat but I hope I dont bottom out my metabolism any more. I might add in some more fat sources and try to get it up to around 2000Cal/Day. Hit heavy squats yesterday and with the addition on the N1 pre-workout I dont know why but the tingles from the beta really made me want to push hard....ended up seeing spots and sparkles. Overall a solid workout though with 30min incline treadmill at the end. I did step on the scale last night for giggles and came in at 102.4kg, which is odd given it was an night when I should be my heaviest....but will wait to see my AM weigh in and photos come Saturday/Sunday.
  11. Will do man. No plans to give it a go yet as I'm still in the early stages of the basic protocol, but if nothing in the next 3-4 months then I will for sure be looking into it.
  12. Ryujiin


    Welcome to NL. Your looking pretty damn lean there man.
  13. Cocain aside, I thought I would bump this up with my adder: 10mg Cialis EOD, and I just started Nutrend N1. Methyl Tren and Madol sound interesting....one day maybe lol.
  14. Solid read @Corey5150 Really appreciate it. HMG is something I have seen tossed around in several protocols, but Im holding off a little bit do to it being hard to get and not cheap. I know Dave Palumbo lists it in his 'protocol". I guess I'm just hoping my balls are not that fried at this point. My last check did come back with improvements so....slow and steady.
  15. 8814, looks like you are taking a bit of hit in this thread man, so I wont comment on what you have laid out as its already been said. I do agree you BF is probably more up around 30% and your goal to drop BF is the correct direction, not that I agree with how you plan to get there. I do want to mention that the above posts are not people trying to be dicks but are genuine concern for your well being. That said, be safe man and take care of your body. Good luck on your journey and I will follow along.
  16. Time for a long overdue update. I do apologize for the lack of as I was stuck on another business trip, add that in with being sick and my gym efforts were pretty rough last week. Back at it 100% as of Saturday with a 10km run just to see if I could still do it. Diet has been going well. Some macro data from yesterday attached. Finding it a little hard to get all the calories into the 8 hour IF window. Weight as of Sunday is 103.3kg. So not much movement as expected do to the above trip. Also note that I will be off TRT and all additional "suppressive" items until my wife is knocked up, so that present a challenge but as my goal now is a large drop in BF, I think it works out at least in theory. I do feel like I need to reassess my BF% level to a little higher than I though based on the photos. More into the high 20's low 30% range. I feel like I should have more muscle mass than I do but meh, life. This would make my target weight around 88kg to hit 15% BF which is my goal over the next 3-4 months. Possible? Maybe... I also got some blood work results back finally (1 month off TRT): TT: 3.59 ng/ml DHEA-S: 107.80 ug/dl E2: 21.00 pg/ml FSH: 5.46 mIU/ml LH: 3.84 mIU/ml TT4: 4.85 ug/dl TT3: 0.77 ng/ml TSH: 30.05 uIU/ml FT3: 3.54 pmol/l FT4: 9.47 pmol/l Note they did not test free test even though I asked for it. My total TT is low, but in "normal range" T4 and T3 are low, while free T3 seems low "normal". Looking forward to some T3 and RAD140 when I get back on TRT lol @MedicusResearch TSH is pretty high and E2 seems not too bad considering the clomid/HCG fertility therapy. I am looking forward to posting a nice improvement this coming Saturday/Sunday and maybe some photos. Hoping for around 1-1.5KG drop if not a little bit more. My blast that I have laid out is on hold until I get my BF% under control. The only note on that is I might consider adding in some MK677 at around 12.5mg a day into the blast plan. I have run it higher once before and the bloating was pretty rough, so I am curious to see what it does at a lower dose. That, and I am not a fan of higher doses anyways. Thanks for you the continued support from team NL.
  17. As an FYI: Me: "I just wanted to inquire if your business operation will continue as normal into the year 2020 with the rumours of tougher rules on distribution of product and raws?" Melody: "Yes, we will!" Only time will tell.
  18. Here the link for the press release for those who want to drop it into google translate: http://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1650655188269513998&wfr=spider&for=pc
  19. Chem names are all in English and Chinese. The intro more or rest just states that its an update to existing policies. Whats a little odd as it states the implementation date as of Jan 1, 2019...so take that with a grain of salt. Rough translation as: State General Administration of Sports Ministry of Commerce of the People's National Health And Health Commission of the People's Republic of China General Administration of Customs of the People' State Drug Administration Public notice Number 39 2019 Doping Catalog Announcement According to UNESCO's "State against Doping in Sport" the relevant provisions of the Convention and the State Council's Anti-Doping Regulations, which will now be The doping catalog is published as follows. Relevant departments shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Anti-Doping Regulations of the State Council, Production, sale, import and export of substances listed in the 2019 doping catalog, and Supervision and administration of anti-doping. Protein assimilation agents and peptide hormones Import and export management in accordance with the "protein assimilation agents and peptide hormones import and export management office Law (State Food and Drug Administration General Administration General Administration General Administration Order of the General Administration of Sports no. 9) of the relevant provisions of the implementation. This directory is different from previous years' catalogs, whichever is the basis for this directory. This announcement will be implemented as of January 1, 2019. General Bureau of Physical Education, Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China National Health and Health Commission of the People's Republic of China General Administration of Customs State Drug Administration
  20. Update: The week started off really good. Excellent energy and strength across the board.....but then (dramatic pause) from Thursday to now I have been pretty sick with a head cold. Training was dialed back to 10km walk each day (that I so anyways on my commute to and from work) Weight: 103.3kg / 227.8lbs Its another drop in weight but I doubt is has anything to do with the training and more to do with being sick and a drop in food intake. No pics this week as I'm feeling shy with all you jacked mofo's throwing up pics recently. Looking at you @Corey5150 Back at it next week full tilt. I will also have updated fertility test result coming next week (about a month fully off TRT while maintaining the Clomid/HCG/Armoasin protocol, so lets see. Given its a 72 day turn on new swimmers development, Im not expecting much.
  21. Welcome to NL man. Enjoy.
  22. I would be curious to see what the new "banned" list will cover once it is released or if a draft is available.
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