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Everything posted by Ryujiin

  1. Finished up the Nutrend product so I just picked up some ANS Performance Prophecy. See how it goes. A little sad that there is no creatine or beet root in there though lol. 400mg of caffeine might be a little rough.
  2. Not much of an update this round. Weight plateau near the end of the week, so I am upping the LISS to 40min from 35. No calorie modifications until I hit 60min cardio as a requirement to see progress. Some updated pics, and while I dont really see much of a change from the start to now, it has not been that long and Im not sponsored by Muscle Tech lol.
  3. Wild. What's your resting heart rate sitting at with all this cardio tuning your heart like a fine engine. 55-60BPM? Your an inspiration.
  4. Just random note. I hit the scale this morning because, well, yolo - 100.03kg. Im guessing this is due to me adding in some extra carbs this week, hopefully; as I have been looking pretty full and veiny in the gym. Yes, my fat ass has visible veins. I have actually had an increase not in strength, but in intensity. Either from the carbs or from being traumatized by GD into always hearing "Train how hard? Harder than last time.." Ill update pics this weekend and hopefully there will be some notable changes vs. day 1. Honestly, hell or high water, as much as I want to put some extra "supplements" into the mix and start putting on size and strength, I wont until my BF is at least 15% or sub. I do however have some Clen, LGD and T3 on standby should I hit a hard plateau beyond the 60min LISS post workout improvements. Current at 35min, going to 40min next week. For that, I would start with the clen low around 20mcg titrating up +20mcg every 2 weeks to peak at 8 weeks and then drop it. T3 may or may not be added along with the LGD (because I worry about T3 eating me alive) about 2 or 3 weeks into the clen with again, a small titrate up from 20-25mcg but not exceeding 50mcg. I need to pick up a good thermometer to track my Am temp to look for a drop in metabolism. I cant run test or anything until post wife knock up, as I dont want any form of "hard shutdown" and the data I have read about LGD is that it is pretty gentle on that side of things at around 10mg/day. Thoughts from the NL big dogs? If I do end up adding the above in, Ill drop a review of the goods into this log. But the fun review will be much later when I can start to run a "welcome back" pre-trt blast. Anyway, back to poking this sexy avocado.
  5. A big push of the like button just for using the word "clientele ". I think this will be a common move we will see a lot of over the next month or so and everyone out there should fully understand...in theory.
  6. Quick update. Weight: 98.0kg / 216.09lbs Not a huge move on the scale but I do look a little better in the mirror, maybe, I think. Anyway, with New Years in the mix, keeping the diet tight was a little tricky but was around 95% successful. Going to bump up LISS to 35 min this week post workout to see how it goes. Always followed up by about 10-15min of static stretching. I find that really helps with mobility and just general feeling of well being. Getting old and such. May 10 is my target date to hit 15% and really hoping I can get there. In theory I need to drop at least about 20lbs / 9kg. Give or take.
  7. Welcome to NL. Definitely in good hands here.
  8. That's impressive man. You can really see were you thickened right up and your still impressively lean.
  9. Hit a 7 point calliper test today and it has me coming in at 19.87%...seems way off. I would put me up more in the 25% range from my photos. That said I’m sure the test was not done that well. Ah well. Lets get it done in 2020. 14-15% or bust lol.
  10. I see what you did there...lol I finally got around to watching this. Talk about cherry picked information and studies. Man, I really need to start eating me some beets.
  11. Todays gym session: Barbell Bench: 2 + 4 x 6-8 Incline DB Press: 3 x 10-12 + DC Stretch 60 seconds Decline DB Press: 3 x 10-12 (unilateral) Dips: 4 x BW failure Close Grip Bench: 4 x 10-12 Hip Raise: 3 x 10-12 Treadmill: 30min, 8 incline, 4.5 speed (I will increase the incline next week vs. adding time) Strength and focus are good. Solid contractions. Good energy. Only odd note is I find during cardio, some sessions I am dripping wet, others even with the same specs, almost nothing. Hydration is the same so, not sure about that one yet. Onward we go.
  12. Alright, lets see those resolutions for those that do them. Physical: To hit 15% bodyfat, hold it within +/- 1 to 2 % while getting my bodyweight up to around 220 to 230 w/ the most improvement focused on my legs and overall strength. Mental: To sleep better, get my HSK LV4, and somehow snag a raise. Fun: A few places I would like to visit this year, mainly Australia or Taiwan. Also get a solid week of cottage time in up North. Bonus: Finally get the wife knocked up and have a happy and healthy little one.
  13. Amazon US links for decently priced. In theory. Just to bump this up in support of liver health. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07XL4QJR1/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=A8QGBKD2DMVE0&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07XJZBXJM/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A8QGBKD2DMVE0&psc=1
  14. Update: No change in weight to report from this last week. I did have a few extra calories this week but it could also be my body adjusting. I will be increasing my post lift cardio to 30min per session to see if that helps at all. Stats say my BMR is around 2200CAL at my current weight, but its probably not super accurate. Anyway, Im in a deficit so all will be OK. Training has been good. Still good energy and strength. Fertility treatment is making me a little more moody than usual but nothing that can not be compensated for with a little extra focus. Todays session: Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs: 2 + 4 x 8-10 Underhand Cable Pulldowns: 3 x 8-10 Straight Arm Pulldowns: 3 x 10-12 Behind the Back Shrugs: 4 x 10-10 Incline DB Curls: 3 x 10-12 + 1 DC Stretch High Cable Curls: 3 x 10-12 Cable Hammer Curls: 3 x 8-10 Wrist Curls Palms Down: 3 x 10-12 Wrist Curst Palms Up: 3 x 10-12 30min Incline Treadmill, 10 Incline, 4.5 Speed. Really looking forward to adding some additional fat loss accessories come March with some goodies from one of the board sponsers. Ill update that when the time comes and I guess it can also serve as a mini review until I run my blast around May which will be some more fun items. Some pics, again; AM, depleted, crap lighting. But I want to keep them consistant. Not that I see much change from the start point, but I dont expect to see anything major from Day 1 until I reach about the 10-12 week mark. 15% here I come.
  15. Just thought I would update what I think about this product (outside of my log). I will now agree with the above statements that it is nothing overly special and Im sure in all honesty the money would have been better spent on something with a little more "kick". All I can really say about the product is that the caffeine is there, and the ProGBB I believe makes me sweat like a mofo during cardio. I will finish up the two bottles I have left and then after that I will be looking into other options. As to what those options are, only time will tell.
  16. Got the Xmass gym session in. Good times. Diet was on par all day as I spent Xmass alone this year. Standing Shoulder Press: 4 x 8-10 Seated Bi-lateral DB Press: 3 x 10-12 Single Plate Upright Rows: 3 x 10-12 Squats: 4 x 8-10 + Two Doubles Single Leg Press: 4 x 10-12 + 1 Burn Out Walking Lunges: Around the track, bodyweight, until failure. 3 Sets Deadlifts: 4 x 8-10 Standing Calf Press: 6 X 10-12 Treadmill: 10 Incline, 5 Pace x 25min You know that feeling when your entire shirt is soaked in sweat except for your faking love handles. FML lol.
  17. Just curious, how did IcyHot get into the site if you swabbed with an alcohol pad to sterilize before the injection? I get that it’s more or less a transdermal but I’m a little worried man. You really gotta be careful man, the last thing you want is an infection. Just to compound what CBDB was saying, I think you might hit diminishing returns at 750mg vs. 500mg. Honestly with the estro sides your “feeling” I would be lowering the dose to find a better balance. Just be safe and smart man. You have a lot of support here and long term goals are were it’s at.
  18. Leave Santa some Halo or Madol out for those power chimney dives. Maybe a little Cialis for when he gets back to the ...... pole (see what I did there?) In all seriousness, Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy, prosperous 2020 to everyone here.
  19. Just to post outside of the update, I have been having a lot of fun planning my next blast (which wont be until May), but there are a lot of fun looking items that I have been reading about on here that were outside of my scope before. I will post that plan up as soon as I have it all figured out and everything arrives. I was considering a 6 week run of some LGD-4033 (10mg Pre-Workout) or RAD140 (20mg Pre-Workout) come February with possibly 50mcg of T3, the T3 being on the radar if my metabolism stalls out and my latest test comes back low. Would love to hear everyone's thoughts on that as I have not used SARMS much outside of MK677 and Carnadine almost a year ago. My concern being that the LGD-4033 solo might not be recommend even though you always ready about people and their wonderful solo SARM experiences lol. That and of course any negative impact on fertility but then again, February is a couple months out and god I hope she is cooking something in the oven by then. She has been an animal with the fertility APP scheduled hook ups and honestly it kind of takes the fun out of it. Cialis is the win for that btw. 10mg EOD.
  20. Update: Weight: 98.6kg / 217.41lbs Last week was pretty solid in terms of diet and training. I am still finding it hard to hit calorie goals in the 2K range so I guess for now I will be in the 1500-2000K range pretty steadily. Its not a good thing but then not a bad thing. My cheat meal was Saturday and did include about 80g of carbs and a lot of deliciousness. The rate of weight of rate loss is much faster than expected and that is probably not such a good thing as a wall is inevitable. This is the main reason I have been keeping my cardio limited to 20min post weight training most days. Just so I have some place to go as things slow down. In the gym, my endurance has been really good. Really really good actually. Strength is holding. I wish I had something in my system for a little extra kick but until my wife has a bun in the oven that's a no go. Anyway, dieting down "natural" is not a bad way to go either. Aside from my pre-workout and "fat burner" supplements. I have changed my weight training program up, as I have been doing Push/Pull/Legs for a long time and a change is always nice. PPL is my favorite split though by far. Yesterdays gym session: Barbell Bench - Medium Grip: 2 warm up sets followed by 4 sets of 8-10. If I can hit 11, I add weight, but I doubt ill be adding any weight during this time, god knows Ill try though. Incline DB Press - 3 X 8-10 Decline DB Press - 3 X 10-12 Dips - 4 X Failure (body weight) with a gymnast tuck and the top of each. Close Grip Bench - 4 X 8-10 DC Style Cable Chest Stretch 60-120 seconds DC Style Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Stretch 60 seconds I always use maximum control and squeeze on each rep to the best of my ability. 20min 10 incline/5 speed treadmill. I was dripping buckets for some reason. I will probably update with photos at the end of this week to see if you guys notice any physical change. Here is the diet break down from Sunday, post cheat meal day: (foods included round steak, shrimp, scallops, chicken breast, red and yellow peppers, asparagus, mushrooms, avocado, natty peanut butter)
  21. I know this is an old log, but I just read through it and pretty faking inspirational; so throwing a bump for props.
  22. Never heard that before. Were did you read that at man? Throw me a link if you can.
  23. Dude, your a friggin monster lol. Looks like you might have been blessed with a small waist as well?
  24. No doubts there at all. I have traveled with things like var, aromasin, proviron, etc without issues (in caps). DNP was something that flagged in my mind as its technically used in explosives. So I assumed it would trigger detection for that and anyone walking around with any caps in their luggage would end up in a dark room with Bubbles and his elephant gloves. It was more of a hypothetical question that an "oh sh@ I have a 3PM flight coming up" kinda question.
  25. Here's a random question as being someone who thinks of random stuff while at work....what would happen if you tired to travel with DNP. Example: You have a bottle of DNP in your carry on marked as say curcumin (because its the only yellow sup I can think of) Because of what it is, does that mean you instantly get tackled during screening when they check you for exp res lmao. "Come on man, I swear, I just love curry, you can put the latex gloves away"
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