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Everything posted by Musclet1

  1. Thanks, I checked online and looks to be out of stock.
  2. Looking for advice on good squat rack for home gym? have limited space in basement. Was looking at Rogue. https://www.roguecanada.ca/sml-1-rogue-70-monster-lite-squat-stand-1?prod_id=48369&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_O_E1pKT6QIVj5-fCh2-GwrWEAQYASABEgLhOvD_BwE
  3. Finished cycle with provin, used script finnasteride 1/4tablet daily, didn’t noticed much hair loss to panic, never had any ED issues. 3 weeks after cycle noticed drop in libido
  4. I had a doc blood req from ont, and they would not process in Nb because certain test required an endo to approve. Was frustrated as hell. They only processed common blood test, no male hormone test.
  5. May try this, acne is bad on back now. Found nothing else really worked.
  6. Welcome, tip is to find a company that supports well being and that has a gym or located near a gym. Never easy , but more companies are trying to attract and retain young talent. Good luck bro!
  7. My wife takes my body measurements and my calves and quads can vary by half inch. I had a preexisting medical condition that at times made me walk with a cane when I was younger. Now just glad make it to the gym. somethings that help me in the past, unilateral exercise having a trainer to indicate proper form. physiotherapy as Sometimes you could have an underlying medical injury that cause you to favour one side. Ex rotator cuff injury, or hip misalignment. Again may result from poor lifting form
  8. Plan on taking proviron first time, so will see how works, currently take finnasteride was kinda hoping it would help. But good to know it won’t
  9. For me it’s the morning, my log sheets prove that if I rest well, drink water and have a good meal I can pump it out and exceed weight rep goals. Plus medically speaking ur natural test highest in the morning, hence the morning wood. I find the gym less pack and the people that are there are hard core and don’t tie up the machines gaping because they got get to work.
  10. Actually went to shoppers get a 21 g because I had only 18 needle, got a ton of question, try to say it was for prescription and than more questions, store was freakin pack, I just finally told the old hag it was personal reasons that I could not disclose, than she ask how many, I said I take 40 , than she went into another tail spin about they only had 8 to sell. Moral of the story , be prepare for questions, tell them subtantenous injection, if possible try order in advance and just pick up. The BS people have to go through.
  11. Thanks for the update, good to know the doc was cool to have it recheck by looking at the lab results from get checked.
  12. Welcome, glad to see other NBers representing.
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