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Everything posted by StraightSideways

  1. Ah crappy, thanks for letting me know that though! Probably the same case for me then
  2. Words I'd never think I'd be thinking... "Damn that girls delts are my goals" Looking crazy! Good work
  3. Just bought 22lbs of whey and 3.3 lbs of bcaa's from https://ca.myprotein.com for 177 bucks. Whey is a few bucks cheaper than the last post I made about them. Haven't tried their bcaa's so I guess we'll see how that goes since I'll have a shit ton of it.
  4. They're over on another board and I believe they source there only. For as long as they've been around I haven't seen anything negative. I believe they had one or two people come forward with bloodwork that looked good and others with positive anecdotal feedback.
  5. Yeah that's kinda what I figured. I've got $1000 towards a naturopath through benefits though so I figured it might be worth it to try. I was thinking of just going in there and saying "I don't want to go over this at all or have any consultation, I just want to pay for bloodwork and get the results". I figured they might be more inclined to deal with me if I just throw money at them. Doesn't bother me too much since it's not my money anyways Thank you for your input!
  6. Asked a buddy of mine that brews quite a lot, he follows a recipe that would come up with this for your 50ml: 1ml BA 7.5ml BB 30ml GSO Yours doesn't seem too far off. However you've got less carrier oil and more BB. Edit: Also supposedly he likes it even more with less BB than 7.5.
  7. Does anyone have any experience with using a naturopath to get their bloodwork or hormone panels done? Suppsedly naturopaths can order bloodwork just as easy as doctors. I've currently got a good relationship with my Doctor and haven't had troubles getting bloodwork done with him, however my benefits cover costs to a naturopath and I'm wondering if it might be a good idea to have a second source to go to as I'd like to be getting tested on/off cycle more frequently as I move into TRT/gear use coming up. Let me know your experience!
  8. Welcome, glad to have you!
  9. Your muscle loss should be minimal if you're keeping your protein high and not crash dieting too hard. If you're used to losing 3 lbs a week and are already on trt, sarms seem like they will be of very little benefit
  10. Are you on trt while dieting or doing it naturally? 35lbs in 3 months is quite a lot of weight. You're looking at 3 pounds a week. Almost half a pound a day. Are you sure you didn't maintain muscle? It's pretty easy to start feeling like you've lost all your gains when you're losing that much weight that fast, however if your diet is on track you shouldn't really be losing that much lean muscle to be worried about needing sarms to help you, especially if you're taking testosterone if you are.
  11. Honest input? From your post, it looks like you're trying to use drugs as a crutch to make up for your poor diet. (Correct me if I'm wrong, not trying to be rude or critical) The only reason you should be adding drugs is if your diet and training are in check and you're living a lifestyle that is maintainable. Little bursts of 2-3 month diets are not going to do anything to make up for a shitty diet. Can't out train a bad diet, with or without drugs. However, if you're totally dialed in and feel you need that slight extra edge to push past what you could do naturally (ie. if you're losing 10lbs a month you don't need drugs) then should be a good time!
  12. You're doing really great without blasting dude. Looks like you're down about 30 pounds in 3 months. Have you considered just focusing on maintaining that pace without gear? I think you'd benefit a lot more with a year off of gear and using that time wisely to dial-in your diet. You'll see a lot more progress from a blast if you can cut down a bit more. It'd be a shame to rebound back to your starting weight since you've come this far.
  13. I've also read that darker tren can just be a sign of it being heated too much during brewing. As well as different carrier oils will end up with different colors. Ie Grape Seed Oil won't come out looking like MCT or miglyol
  14. Hey NL, here's some useful material for you guys. This has training programs from tons of bodybuilders/trainers/YouTube fitness stars. As well as a lot of e-books on training/dieting. Some of the science based ones are actually a really enjoyable read. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1U1zSdTBhaMxzN8kYzo0dx7LvaqYscqL_ Enjoy!
  15. Thanks! Love the lab name. Reminds me of the good old days playing God of War
  16. I think it's pretty safe to assume that a website with a name like that or any of "BuySteroidsOnline" kind of places on the first page of a Google search are going to be sketchy at best. Lots of established sources on this board as well as others. Best of luck choosing a better source next time.
  17. Nice work! Doesn't look like you're bloating like crazy. Looks like solid progress. Keep it up
  18. Dude there's literally a section called Steroid Lab Reviews. How little effort could you possibly put in?
  19. Looks like you've dropped weight in your arms and lower back. Less of a spare tire. Good job! Summer shreds in no time
  20. What a cunt thing to do. Sucks for those who pinned gear that gave them adverse effects/pain. Gotta really pay attention to email addresses nowadays. Especially making sure you're only emailing from the same email provider (ie Tutanota to Tutanota or proton to proton)
  21. What are you taking right now? You're thinking it's prolactin based? Are you taking caber?
  22. Welcome to the board and to the country!
  23. "included titles such as Frisky Business and Big Bad Granny's" I'm sure Big Bad Grannies must have been a collectible. Dude must be upset about that one. Now how is he gonna watch Mavis and Mary-Lou get it on?
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