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  1. 2 points
  2. Another Genetec fan here! Proviron gets a "thumbs" up !
    2 points
  3. TB 500 and BPC-157 Cycle for Total Body Repair This protocol utilizes a total of 55mg TB-500 (11 x 5mg vials) and 20mg BPC 157 (4 x 5mg vials) with a 3 week loading phase followed by a 5 week maintenance phase. Note that the BPC-157 dosage amounts are in micrograms (mcg). Loading Phase Week 1 - Week 3: Monday: TB-500 5mg / BPC-157 500mcg Tuesday & Wednesday: BPC-157 500mcg Thursday: TB-500 5mg / BPC-157 500mcg Friday, Saturday & Sunday: BPC-157 500mcg Maintenance Phase Week 4 - Week 8: Monday: TB-500 2.5mg / BPC-157 250mcg Tuesday & Wednesday: BPC-157 250mcg Thursday: TB-500 2.5mg / BPC-157 250mcg Friday, Saturday & Sunday: BPC-157 250mcg Loading Phase: In weeks 1 through 3, the total weekly dose of 10mg TB-500 ensures a rapid initial buildup of Thymosin Beta 4 for immediate healing and recovery as well a weekly total dose of 3.5mg (3,500mcg) BPC-157 to further stimulate recovery and provide added support for joint and connective tissue (tendon and ligament) healing. Maintenance Phase: Week 4 begins the maintenance portion of the Total Body Repair cycle with a total weekly dose of 5mg TB-500 and a weekly total dose of 1.75mg (1,750mcg) BPC-157. This continues through week 8 and the end of the cycle. Again, this cycle is a guideline based on real world results
    1 point
  4. 21 Gauge needle used to inject steroids into deep muscle tissue. Many people ask me what needle to use to inject steroids and the answer is simple. 21 gauge (which refers to the thickness of the needle, the lower the number the thicker it is), one-and-a-half inch length (approximately 38mm). The reason for using this exact size is not so obvious. There are two types of steroids, oil based (very seldom a thin oil) and water based suspensions. The thick oil based steroids need a thicker needle to suck up the oil into the syringe and to be able to inject it smoothly. This is critical because 99% of all people injection oil based steroid with a needle that is to thin is going to end up with a painful injection site for days. The reason for this is two fold. The excessive force needed to inject the oil through a thin needle means there is a lot of movement of the needle when injecting and this bruises and damages surrounding tissue. The second issue is that the force with which the oil leaves the needle tip causes further damage to the tissue. Imagine forcing water down a very narrow hose pipe, it will spry out harder and further than out of a big hosepipe. With water bases suspension, thicker needles are also essential. Because these are suspensions, meaning particles are not dissolved in the water but floats in it so to speak, the risk of these particles clogging the needle is very high. Anybody that has injected Aqua Test for instance will tell you how often it clogs the needle. This leads to the conclusion that you need a thicker and longer needle to inject deep in the muscle without excessive force. The 23 gauge long needle is the way to go.
    1 point
  5. Last night at the Wings of Strength Rising Phoenix placings 1. Alina Popa 2. Margie Martin 3. Sheila Bleck 4. Nicki Chartrand (Canadian!!!) 5. Helle Trevino 6. Jill Blondin Congrats ladies! Women’s Bodybuilding is strong and alive!!! The winner won 50 grand a new corvette!!
    1 point
  6. I’m newf.... I like pina coloada’s and getting caught in the rain..... whats up fuckers?
    1 point
  7. THE 3 P�s: PLAN PROGRESSIVE PROGRESSIf you do not plan for progressive gains in a training cycle than you will undoubtedly fail to maximize your results. And worse yet - you could take two steps backwards! You are probably thinking to yourself, "No **** Sherlock!" Its true everyone engaged in some sort of training routine plans for progress. Right? Unfortunately many - and I do mean many - do not. It is disastrous how many trainees actually fall into the monotonous routines that produce little to no results. But this unfortunate occurrence is something dietary supplement companies thrive on, they lead you to believe that you need supplement X for further gains. A sure fire way to make sure you are planning progressively is to consider three variables per workout: load, repetitions and time. Every workout should show an improvement in one of these areas. The load, or the total amount of weight used for a movement, can reflect an improvement even if it is very little. Let's say during your last training session for a muscle group you pushed 315 pounds, 10 times. Simply adding two more pounds to the bar per session would be an improvement. It may not be a lot, but it adds up in the long run. Sometimes a training plateau develops merely because gains have slowed down and you are currently attempting to add too much, too soon. And it's better to add two pounds per week to the load rather than not improving at all. Two pounds per week for six months would be more than a 50-pound improvement in your limit strength! The other two factors, total repetitions and total time are seldom given there due respect. Instead of increasing the load you can attempt to increase total repetitions per workout. Over subsequent workouts you could begin at eight reps and work up to 12 before increasing the load. On the other hand, you could plan to finish a workout in shorter period of time by decreasing rest intervals. For instance, you push 315 pounds for five repetitions and five sets using three-minute rest intervals. If next time you used the same load, reps and sets but used two-minute rest intervals, you progressed! INTEGRATE NUTRITION AND TRAINING EQUALLY Training publications frequently make statements suggesting that proper diet is 90 percent of success, or some other obscure number stating one is more important than the other. In reality, both are equally important. You can have the best nutritional advice available but if you don't train progressively than your body never finds the need to make an improvement in its efficiency. On the flip side, the best training theory will produce little if your diet fails to provide the right nutrients to fuel your body for added lean body mass. A proper integration of sound nutrition and training is paramount to continued success. TRAIN YOUR CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Many of the old Eastern Bloc training circles provide heavy emphasis on your Central Nervous System's (CNS) ability to cope and recover from exercise. This is something unique to each athlete and dependent on different variables, such as athletic level, training intensity, rest habits, nutritional practices, as well as other contributing factors. One of the first adaptations for a beginner bodybuilder is purely a strengthening of the CNS rather than the actual muscle groups. Big gains in limit strength made in the early days of training come from your body simply getting in better condition. This includes a stronger mind-muscle connection. Advanced trainees can recall the days when free weight movements were wobbly and their body would tend to shake. This is one example of a weak CNS (as well as underdeveloped connective tissue). This preliminary adaptation to exercise usually strengthens in the first two to three months on a regular routine. After this phase, free weight movements become more fluid, as your ability to recruit your muscles becomes second nature. ONLY WORK AT YOUR LEVEL Turn the pages of many bodybuilding magazines today (in between the many pages of advertising fluff) and you will undoubtedly see a lot of high volume, and sometimes high intensity, training routines. A magazine may say a professional endorses the routine as his or her key to recent gains. But the fact is, even if it was something that helped that particular person, you need to tailor the advice for your body. Take what you have learned about what keeps you training progressively and away from a state of overtraining, and apply it. And certainly do not try to use a program that an advanced trainee uses if you are still a beginner. This could put you at risk for serious overtraining or even injury. Working one body part per day is common practice at the advanced levels since greater loads are used which tax the ability to recover at a greater degree. In other words, pushing 135 pounds for 10 repetitions puts less stress on your body than pushing 315 pounds for 10 repetitions. Your muscles grow, but your CNS and internal filtering organs do not. IF IT'S NOT WORKING - FIX IT! Take a moment and sit back to reflect on your last year of training. Are you actually making progress or are you caught up in a disastrous plateau? If your gains have been at a stand still for more than two or three months - what you are doing is not working. It is surprising how many people can continue for over a year without seeing a significant change for the better. And usually it is not a lack or genetic potential but rather a lack of training knowledge. If it helps, get a training diary to help you plan your progression by recalling what was completed in previous sessions. No great battle was ever won without a mapped out plan of attack. SET OBTAINABLE GOALS Setting goals for yourself helps to keep you focused on what it is you are intending to accomplish. Without a goal and a timeframe to commit to, it is easier to fall into that endless training vertigo of zero results. Professional athletes have a training competition to focus on, which certainly provides an adequate stimulus to keep them pushing for greatness. But if you are not a competitive athlete you can make up your own competitions. They can be things as simple as a scheduled summer vacation or a date with the 35mm - progress photos can be a valuable dictator of if your training is paying off. The word obtainable should be held at high regard. If you are beginning a new training cycle with 17-inch upper arms and your goal is to have 20-inch guns by the end of the 12-week cycle - you set yourself up for disappointment. Set realistic goals to keep you motivated for future progress. But at the same time, large and obscure short term goals (read: very short term, as in goals for a single set) can be beneficial, such as getting under a load equal to your one rep maximum weight yet going for 10 rather than one. This helps to keep you motivated and thinking past your previous limitations regardless of the fact you know you won't make it. This short term thought process also helps you to rid the ideas in the back of your head that are telling you, "****, this is a lot of weight!" IGNORE DISTRACTIONS AND DISTRUCTIVE INFLUENCES What is or isn't a distraction or destructive influence to your training goals is subjective. But the fewer things that stand in your way of being a champion, the easier the road is to travel. Friends that continue to hound you to skip scheduled training sessions for several sets of 12 ounce curls at the local pub certainly qualify as a destructive influence. Having a social life, to include time at the clubs, is absolutely necessary to a rounded off life. But getting so sloshed that you wake up under the porch every weekend is not. But the bottom line is: what you let get in your way will do just that. Like that cute neighbor that always gives you the eyeball doesn't qualify as a distraction since you certainly can't plan future workouts with a blindfold! You have to learn how to effectively channel some things out in order to succeed. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER Take the time to read about new, and old, training theories to see what helps you and how it can apply itself in your routine. If your current training split includes a few sets of this, followed by a few more of that and then finished off with some of those - than you certainly are in need of some new theories. Great advice from credible coaches is available online and at the local bookstore to help you add some missing spice to your training routine. As well as getting you back on a much needed growth spurt. .
    1 point
  8. I’m jelly. Come cook for meeee!
    1 point
  9. Great post! Love freak look!
    1 point
  10. Love em, my go to on low carb days lol
    1 point
  11. I have 2 good friends that are very knowledgeable on this topic, Ill see if they can sign up
    1 point
  12. I LOVE doing drop sets Drop Sets. One of the best ways to assure continued growth in you weight training is to vary the stimulation. Getting more intensity out of a set can become difficult. The use of drop-sets is a long time tried and tested method for increasing intensity and get some deeper muscle stimulation. It works especially well if you don’t have a spotting partner making it hard do get that last one or two reps to failure done. How does drop sets work? The technique involves doing your primary set to failure and then doing a set immediately after with half the weight for the same reps as your first set. For example, if you do biceps curls with 15 kgs for 10 reps, you would immediately move on the a set with 7,5 kgs and try and get 10 reps. Expect a serious burn as you stimulate the muscle deeper! You’ll find that in many cases you cannot get to the same reps as your primary set but that’s ok, just try your bets to get there. Another variation of drop sets is to use triple drops. This is essentially the same thing, but here you are adding in an additional drop set. The example of the biceps curls will then look like this, 15kgs for 10 reps, drop weight to 7,5kgs for 10 reps and another drop to say 4 kgs for 10 reps. Triple drops are especially good at building anaerobic endurance but it does works better on certain muscle groups, one being calves. You can get a serious burn going on your calves using this technique. Some guys will use the technique slightly differently by dropping weight at different ratios. Lets say for instance you are doing supported rows with 60kgs using three 20kgs plates. Instead of dropping half the weight, you can drop the first set to 40kgs by removing one plate and do as many as possible and then drop another 20kgs to do the third set. It is almost impossible to match the first sets reps doing it this way and the idea is to do as many reps as possible compared to the first set. Have fun!
    1 point
  13. I do this and continue to do this as well in prep and in bulk, have used it multiple times and for me (weak stomach in the morning), it works incredibly well.
    1 point
  14. Tried, tested and true training tool to push past failure. Arnold used drop sets a ton back in the day, and we all still love them today. Shows how things that work stick around!
    1 point
  15. Not totally using pharm gear man choices are limited so you have to travel to other countries down here to get certain items or have your goodies sent to you. Hormones here are a non issue to bring in either in your personal luggage or having shipped in. First couple of times Dian gave me some grief on my packages …. yeah meaning they wanted some GG "greenback grease" That's how shit works here a fair bit of the time. Now I seldom have any issues with my supplements being slowed down. You know its impossible to get or find tren here. There have been some around that were fake as stripper titties so having a large supply of real and potent tren is always good. Deca is 50 mg per ml which means slosh slosh when your walking around 300mg ml is way better same with eq 50 mg ml and the old standby's like mast var tbol drol dbol ect need to be brought in versus traveling all over to find pharm shit like brazil for var and drol nothing out there for dbol. So I am more then well stocked enough on all the shit that is a pain in the ass to get or is only produced by other means. I cant imagine ever being without Mast that would be the end of days man LOL. Good to see you got your VET status back Bolt G
    1 point
  16. really glad to hear you and so many others are happy with the products and service! We take great pride in remaining the best! It is a passion of ours! SSP
    1 point
  17. Your right, everything major city has some type of bad area. But maaaaan, some cities are worse than others, lol. Damn, i remember when i lived in Detroit, that whole damn city was bad, heheheh. Everywhere! ? You could get hit on the westside up and down Dexter Ave, the whole entire eastside, from the Brewsters and the Jefferies to just about anywhere on Grand Ave, Mack Ave etc etc ... Got to a point where even north of 8 mile was bad. City was like Beirut ? Your right, Ive heard of the craziness in Cali. When I lived in NYC (late 80s - early 90s) I used to go over to Queens and "interact" with some Medellin boys. They had a couple boys from Cali who ran with them. Your right, apparently their own cartel is going much stronger now. Although I dont keep up with none of that stuff nowadays. I been reformed ? ... honestly. Well I'm glad your keeping safe, GO. Keep enjoying the beaches, the mamachulas, and the pharma gear, heheheh.
    1 point
  18. I use the 4mg nicotine gum to fight cravings when dieting, and for occasional constipation. It works great for both.
    1 point
  19. Sin preocupaciones hermano. Its the areas you frequent in the cities that can be the issue as well as the company you keep in those cities and what your activities are. Yeah you can get yourself perished in BOG or Med if you are there for coke and hookers and other risky shit in seedy areas. Did you friend mention Cali to you? Cali is the home of the current rejuvenation of the cartels that were in Med during the Escobar era. So if you want to see cars in the ditch that have been machine gunned to swiss cheese that's a place where you can see that in the seedy areas. I will tell ya there was a bombing here at a police station this past Feb about 10 miles from my place. 13 were killed and 30 or so injured. It was ELN that pulled the job and one of them was caught close to the scene reporting to the other rebels on his cell phone. Sad part about it is one of the officers that died was married to one of Cindy's close work friends he was cut in half by the blast wave. Really shitty deal 3 small children but as the saying goes freedom is not free. That fucker they caught reporting in is living 7 kinds of hell and would probably be happy to only get water boarded. Shit you don't hear about is who he gives up to the fed authorities none of that get released to the public and those rebels ( mostly Marxist ideology ) get extreme prejudice justice and it is never reported and the regular people don't ask and don't care just as long as it gets taken care of with finality. Yeah man whoever they do get to gets a special ops visit and that's the end. Dead men tell no tales But any large city in the world has no go areas fuck I lived in Edmonton for 20 years and if you want to find trouble and get shanked or shot it ain't a problem. Same with Winnipeg or Toronto , Vancouver, Dallas ,Miami ,Chicago Mexico City and on and on and on across the globe. Worst issue I have had here is a taxi driver ripping me off for double fare when I was heading home shitfaced. That's another story for another time though and he got his shortly there after. Here is what's important 1 Learn about the culture and your surroundings 2 Do not engage in high risk activities or spend time in high risk areas 3 Be respectful and polite 4 Don't be flashy like a player 5 Inject 4 testoviron 250 per week ,3 units of GH per day and one amp of primo a day eat lots of clean food drink lots of water do your cardio and hit the beach on the weekends YMMV on the last one LOL Fear Profits a Man Nothing! G
    1 point
  20. BT's new rep is super awesome to deal with, made my first order with him, and am very pleased, been a long time user of BT and they have never failed yet.
    1 point
  21. Nothing but compliments on the genetec line up. Quality is excellent and the reps are quick and helpful. You cant beat there line up they have just about everything a guy could want.
    1 point
  22. Also the jackhammer.... lets just say the old lady says thanks lol.
    1 point
  23. Have made a few orders thru them this year and the quality and service is awesome. Will be making some orders over the next couple weeks with the new rep who also seems suoer helpful. Thanks bt!
    1 point
  24. Good job on the pharma caber i love it
    1 point
  25. I just want to say that BT's products and service are amazing. Super fast delivery. Responded to emails instantly. Everything from start to finish was awesome. Ive been using BT products for a long time and can say that they are top notch. If anyone is thinking of placing an order. I guarantee you will be more then satisfied. Thanks BT for your loyal service.
    1 point
  26. I wouldn't use a vegan protein. Soy and Pea proteins are not really great for anabolism. Have you tried drinking pasteurized egg whites? If not, give it a go. If so, I would just eat whole food. Vegan protein is a complete waste.
    1 point
  27. Iron vegan is the only one I have tried that is tolerable.
    1 point
  28. Gracias amigo although the days of running up the numbers with the lovely ladies are for now in the past as I got snagged LOL. Sill get eye fucked 24/7 and phone numbers handed to me on a regular basis but I am being a good boy and concentrating on business, relaxing on my own terms and getting to 8% BF and holding. Same old story though I get down in the 210 range diced up and vascular then I want to start eating again and before ya know it a couple months later 250 plus again. Lucky I travel to Bogotá every couple of months to see customers. I can buy clothes that fit there pretty easy but not here on the coast. So great year round weather cheap living laid back culture and beach time is a religion but no clothing options. Could be worse though could be stuck with Truedope like you folks which aint fair. G
    1 point
  29. Vega was recently involved in issue where a study came up with a large amount a heavy metals in their product https://www.nutraingredients-usa.com/Article/2018/03/02/Study-that-alleges-many-protein-powders-contain-heavy-metals-gets-big-pushback-including-threatened-legal-action Personally, I would look for a better option.
    1 point
  30. I have done fasting for awhile now both intermittent fasting 18:6 ratio and the one i am on now which is the omad fasting eat once a day for myself the omad fasting works wonders I have dropped so much weight or body fat from doing that method and at first I got a bit of Cravings but now less cooking less I'm in the kitchen and less even having to think about food which I love and I also cut my food bill in half so can't go wrong there... but thumbs up for fasting... not to mention my energy levels have gone through the roof I have so much energy now that I don't even know what to do with it half the time
    1 point
  31. I'm not sure I'm on the bang wagon like some people but there are two beneficial use cases in my opinion. During bulking to stimulate appetite. Anyone who has a hard time getting in enough quality calories can probably speak to lack of appetite during bulking. When I have issues getting the calories in a use a short term IF to back load all my calories until after 1-2pm. Starting my day at 6am, I'm literally dying to eat at this point. I keep calories the same but instead of 6am to 10pm it's 2pm to 10pm. I believe building the hunger signals kick starts the metabolism and after a couple weeks I add in another meal at 7-8am and just like that I'm up 500+ calories breaking through a wall. During contest prep towards the end when portions are low instead of following 5-6 meals a day I like to go down to 3-4 bigger meals. Pushing my first meal to 12pm helps with this. You're hungry regardless but you'll end up more satisfied condensing two meals into one.
    1 point
  32. I have used the tnt450, tren E and Mast E. Both product and service was fine.
    1 point
  33. I have used BT now for the last few years. Also, a few other guys I know have been using BT. The product has been great, prices very fair, and customer service has been top notch. I have recently switched reps with BT and the transition has been as smooth as it could be. I highly recommend giving BT a try. LF
    1 point
  34. Any good 200 mg primo I tried was like injecting battery acid. 100 mg primo will had a tiny bit. but we all react differently, so yours might be fine.
    1 point
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