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GameChanger last won the day on July 1 2021

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  1. before i list pricing, i will write the terms items can be limited per person,depending on quantity. We want everyone to be able to participate We will be shipping from today and tomorrow only(posssibly wednesday but no promise). Shipping will resume next week monday,so if your order is placed after tuesday,then you wont get it till next week as we will take a break from thursday to sunday When placing order,use subject "Order" Send questions via wickr If you have ordered through us directly,msg me on wickr (wickr username btboss) if you need anything,or simply email btrep@protonmail.com **Coupon codes cant be used or stacked with sale items Vets and staff get an extra $5 off on all test products. Vets and staff can place order directly through email Minimum order is $200 and up(before shipping) https://bodytechpharma.com/sale-items/ Test E/C/P/Sust250 $25 Tren Ace $30 Mast P $30 Primo $65 NPP $30 Nolva $25 Prami $35 Clen $35 T3 $35 Winstrol $30 Proviron $35
  2. Hey guys, some shit news. Shipper injured his back after getting rear ended. We are trying to get him help but, if I'm being honest, shipping will be delayed. If you're wondering why your emt has not been accepted, it's because we don't want you stressing about your funds. I'll now get back to emails but wanted to announce it here first. My apologies for this guy's but I'm pretty limited on what I can do.
  3. this sale is till this friday test e,c,p $25 anavar 25mg $45 Helios $40 Nolva $25
  4. Hey guys, Just wanted to give a quick update. Seems that we are having email issues with specific providers. I noticed gmail,outlook and tutanota all got bounced back I suggest that you create a proton mail and if you want to keep in touch with us with quick responses,download wickr and add us. Username is btboss
  5. I'll simply be around to help out. Aside from that, he is the go to man. It takes a team to grow a brand, especially on multiple boards. We are humbled to have bt rep join us @millenium girl you are a diamond and a trooper. Appreciate the kind words
  6. We are looking for online reps for boards for our website Incentives are sales commission and other perks Email me at Btrep@protonmail.com if you are interested If you dont have time for boards, this isn't for you
  7. Looking solid as ever brother. You're an inspiration and role model
  8. Been on Proviron for a few years. I actually reduced my weekly shot of Test because the Proviron was preventing the estrogen conversion
  9. The sodium alone would cause me to feel like a balloon lol
  10. Looking very solid - solidify those gains for sure
  11. Welcome to the board brother
  12. Depending on the persons past usage 2-3 tabs should be more than sufficient.
  13. That waist just keeps getting smaller. Congratulations on all the hard work
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