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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/2018 in all areas

  1. Here is my little get up ?
    3 points
  2. Nolvadex only blocks receptors you would need arimidex, aromasin, or letro to reduce system wide estrogen. That being said i'm gonna parrot corey5150. If you can't get in the calories what's the point of being on gear. Maybe try a process of elimination start coming off of stuff until your appetite returns.
    3 points
  3. West Coast represent :) Loving all the threads and info so far! Good job all!
    2 points
  4. All things considered brother, my personal opinion would be to come off, or lower into a cruise dose and reset your body. I see a lot of things that are working against you. I could almost guarantee taking a step back and then reintroducing everything in a more optimal situation would produce much better results then trying to fight your body every step of the way. I also think adding anything else in is simply overkill. Don’t try to patch the problem with a quick fix - deal with the issue and like I said everything else will come much better.
    2 points
  5. Holy shit man! Helluva home gym
    2 points
  6. Few hours before Van Pro this year ?
    2 points
  7. I was signed up to compete 3 times and i punked out all 3 times. It wasnt the prep that scared me, it was the being on stage posing, The wife filmed me once posing and i looked like a retarded gorilla
    2 points
  8. Hey everyone! I thought I'd start a new log detailing some of my offseason progress leading into the Toronto Pro Qualifier at the end of 2019! A little bit about myself, I'm 28 years old - current weight is about 255lbs, my height is 5'9 and I've competed in about 6 shows so far. My goal for this offseason is to hopefully get up to somewhere around 270lbs or so and not be too sloppy LOL I don't have a lofty goal of a pro card or anything but I do want to stand up with the other heavyweights and look like I belong on the national stage. I hired a coach for this offseason, Nick Trigili - some people love him some hate him lol I will say my experience with him has been very good. Very responsive, very insightful and overall his honesty is what I really appreciate. So he looks after my diet, training and supplementation. Just so its fair I won't be posting too much of any specifics - but I will post the overall idea we use. So currently for gear what I've been using has been, Test E - 750/week NPP - 300/Week EQ - 450/Week However this is about to change, we'll be keeping the same compounds but ramping up in dosages into what we discussed as starting to get "aggressive". I'll be honest as well, I haven't been hitting all three shots per week, so I probably haven't totally been hitting those numbers. ALSO, all gear that I will be using (as well as GH) will be by BODYTECH. Its a brand I experimented with through my last prep, and enjoyed so I will be continuing throughout this offseason and into my prep as well. Peptide wise we finished using 1 method of insulin last week, and changed it up with the new plan - we'll be using it 3 times per day. Another thing we'll be introducing as well will be HGH at 6iu per day (split into 3 doses). I'm probably most excited/hesitant for this aspect as I've only used GH once and it was years ago so we'll see what happens! Diet consists of 3 separate "meal plans" 1 for larger muscle group days (Chest, back and legs - these are also the insulin days), another for arms and delts and another for rest days. Training - nothing crazy, although we're starting to ramp up the volume and I'll update this as I go. So TODAY I trained early and hit Quads and Hamstrings - this is an area I need to bring up, especially hamstrings, so I try to bring a lot of intensity. I've been focusing much more on contracting the muscles then simply moving weight (which I use to do a lot). Got a great pump, did lots of hacks and front squats as well as 15 sets of hamstring work.
    1 point
  9. Hello Guys, my name is Max and I'm a 28 years old bodybuilder from the province of Quebec. I've been lifting since 2009 and I live for the sport. I'm here mostly to share my experience and to learn as much as I can about training, nutrition and well everything that is related to this sport. That's mostly it, cheers guys ?
    1 point
  10. What year? Didn't think Vancouver Pro had women's bbing?
    1 point
  11. Very smart good advice thank you. The end of this month I plan to into a cruise phase of 200 mg test e per week and try and get my body healthy and feeling good again. I’m not progressing while trying to push up while feeling like that. Thanks for taking the time to realize obv something is wrong and need to re group.
    1 point
  12. couldnt of worded it better myself corey
    1 point
  13. mk677 id never use over gh but bpc and tb500 are a guarantee. my forearm pain that was hanging around for 6 months went away in 3 weeks by these 2 peps
    1 point
  14. I’m all for keto in terms of the health benefits - and I include high fats/very low carbs at certain points in diets for a variety of reasons. However, my main issue with this diet is the mass amount of misconceptions regarding it. ANY diet can work for weight loss as long as a calorie deficit is met. The keto diet is not superior in any way (the only large drop is from glycogen depletion as well as water retention). EAT TO SUPPORT WHAT YOURE DOING. If you’re training in a very metabolically heavy way, consuming low to no carbs is a recipe for disaster. This is obviously dependent on many factors, however I think this is the main problem. There have been studies linking athletes on the keto diet and how performance dropped.
    1 point
  15. Welcome aboard brother!
    1 point
  16. That’s crazy!! You must have done pretty well!
    1 point
  17. I think the keto diet is the easiest to follow long term IMO. Although I need a higher carb ratio because of the intensity of my workouts. My wife who rarely hits the gym is fine with about 25% carbs per day. The recipes are amazing too.
    1 point
  18. Good afternoon all. Happy thanksgiving to you all. Hope you all had your fill of festive turkey and trimmings. We're back at it this morning! Was pretty tired all weekend as being on this cut is catching up to me. A word of advice: Don't use DNP pre-workout. I felt sluggish during my workout and downright comatose afterward. I slept in my truck my whole lunch hour practically. Yesterday when I took it post workout I felt much, much better. So upon waking I tool 200mg of DNP, 30mg of madol, 60mg of stanolone, and 50mg of winny. Pretty much the usual for the remainder of the cycle. A quick pin of 100mg of tren and I was ready to go. Today's workout looked like this: leg curls: 60x20, 100x10 (2 sets) One arm machine chest press (cross body): 100x15, 150x10(2 sets) Leverage ISO low row: 100x15, 280x8 (2 sets) Shoulder press: 95x10, 155x6, 130x3 (4 sets), 160x3 (3 sets), 95x20 Standing concentration curl: 30x12, 40x10 (2 sets) Triceps dips: 3 sets of 15. Despite being completely exhausted I managed to match my PRs on shoulder press and rows. I can safely say that after about a week madol is definitely giving me a decent strength boost. I'm definitely going to push myself next week hoping to break a few PRs. My sex drive has been off the hook to and I'm shooting some of my biggest loads in some time. DHT is certainly helping in this department. I usually prefer oils to orals, but Stanolone may be a staple in the arsenal going forward. Remember.. DNP post-workout... preferably with food. Peace...
    1 point
  19. Another vote for ECA, I have yet to find a better more affordable alternative.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Have you had your liver values checked on this long of a run on dbol?
    1 point
  22. I just can’t get over your muscle fullness! Round large muscle bellies!! Impressive to say the least!
    1 point
  23. It seems orals are usually the appetite killer. But I’m my experience it’s not the same orals for the same folks. I’ve never had a problem with anadrol. But Tbol fucking killed my appetite so bad I had to come off it after less than two weeks. Might be worth a try to try diff orals see how you do. Also i didn’t see it listed, but for me running high tren (and I know that is also a subjective number person to person) also killed my appetite. But as far as “tricks” I find CBD oil (it won’t get you stoned FYI) is good at making you hungry. Or of course weed if you’re more inclined to get baked.
    1 point
  24. Orals are notorious for killing appetite (especially Anadrol), high dosed cycles can create terrible lethargicness and ruin appetite. But some of some info you didn’t provide, how much food are you taking in? What are your macros? Do you have a lot of systemic inflammation? How’s your sleep? typcially something id do with a client in this position is pull the food back, reduce inflammation, remove some of the drugs that are killing the appetite - and the one thing I find that helps 9 times out of ten... introduce some amounts of cardio.
    1 point
  25. I have a crazy theory that while specific anabolics don't have a physiological impact on specific food cravings, taking them has a psychosomatic effect, based on the drug's reputation and broscience. When I was on an extended run of Primo all I wanted was green veggies and lean meat. Lots of both, but I just wanted to eat "clean." With Tren, I don't know why but I had wild sugar cravings post-workout. Normally I don't have a sweet tooth at all. Right now I'm only four pins into taking Deca for the first time and I keep rationalizing high-carb, high-calorie foods like noodles.
    1 point
  26. Training. Absolutely training is more important than diet. As long as you're eating enough for your goals, the training is what separates the guys people look at in the gym from the guys in the way. That said, NOBODY eats enough. Clearly, none of these 160-190lb guys that want to be 220+ eat nearly enough. Diet is important, obviously... Dont bother with blends (t400, sust, etc.), keep it simple. Two shots of 200 or 250mg test E or C per week is gonna make you smile (i do every 4 days). Easy math, easy everything. Get some arimadex, just in case. Pay attention, take notes, keep a log if you must. Be scientific about it. Save the anavar for the next blast. THE KEY... is to learn something new every time you blast, cycle, or add a new drug. You cant do that if you add two new things (more text AND var) at once. If you must do both, run the higher test for at least long enough to note the full effects... say, at least 6 weeks, before adding the var, and then at least you can note any differences. Var is an AMAZING drug. After 8 years in this trench, easily my favorite.
    1 point
  27. On the tren... I think everyone (who is serious and with enough overall experience) should at least try it, i mean, if they think they might get something from it. Tren offers a lot to nearly any agenda. You might not get the sides. I know i dont. No rage, no real notable increase in sweating, i sleep great, no bad dreams, no weird shit at all really. If i use a ton, i'll notice some sexual sides after a time, but thats it, and to be fair, i could be more scientific about my caber game. Tren just makes me feel REALLY FUCKING GOOD... more like myself really, and of course, it shifts my eternally static bodyweight to a harder one, which has literally no downside (i'll lose about 2%BF over a 3 month blast with no change in diet or training). I'm a strength athlete, and a high level one, but i look like a bodybuilder. On EQ, this is another great drug. Personally, i wont lift without it. No sides at all, and even those who get sides... this one is weak in that respect. Maybe some anxiety, but that's easy enough to counter. The other negative is price, as it tends to only really show its worth at higher doses. Personally, and i realize i'm in the vast minority here, i'm not a fan of test. I need it, obviously. I've been blasting and cruising long enough its a way of life now, but it never did much for me. I've run it up to 2gr. I have to run a LOT for it to do anything, damn this brutal drug tolerance. I cruise on more than some people's blasts. I've tried many different approaches, all the esters, blends, all the doses, tricks... and i've almost always had the best gear available, including real pharma... it just doesn't impress me. If i could ditch it, i would. For me, orals are king. That's where the magic happens...
    1 point
  28. Im pretty sure there was a study done by or talked about by layne norton that showed increased receptors after long periods of test use. I agree that if a persons goals are to gain a good amount of size then test needs to be high.
    1 point
  29. 4 days post surgery, everything went well. Two weeks till I can start training again. Starting to pin eq and deca tomorrow, been on Bodytech test for 5 weeks now, loving it. Sitting at 225lbs.
    1 point
  30. Black coffee. Caffeine. Ephedrine. Always suppresses my appetite!
    1 point
  31. There was a theory about androgen receptor multiplying I believe and I also think it was dan duchaine who brought that idea up? Maybe wrong but that’s what I seem to recall. In my experience, and with that of several clients - as long as estrogen is controlled, a higher test leads to better results. I’ve tried low dosed test and experimented with a few different protocols and didn’t like it.
    1 point
  32. Hi Atlas & welcome. OD
    1 point
  33. Welcome Atlas, I'm new too (here anyway). Why did you leave the Hulking Canadian Board if I may ask?
    1 point
  34. Welcome fellow west coaster!
    1 point
    1 point
  36. never have ,little to no interest...still love it tho!
    1 point
  37. Do I EVVERRR FAAKKK...good job @Corey5150 Hats off to you!
    1 point
  38. Maybe to start I'd go with men's physique and then work my way up to classic physique. Men's physique seems very doable for me. Is there age classes as well.. like 50 and over etc...?
    1 point
  39. Since I haven’t updated this with many photos lately, I thought I’d include this one - it was about 1.5 months post show, probably my favorite look so far. Lean and full... and maintainable lol I don’t tend to take too many photos in the offseason.
    1 point
  40. This was a shot from my last competition and my weight was around 211lbs. I'm hoping to improve quite a bit. I'll post a more current pic tonight!
    1 point
  41. Wow.. you look amazing. I've only ever seen 2 other women in person with a physique similar to yours. Both are GFs or wives of other serious lifters here in my hometown. You're definitely in rarefied air! 200 lbs of muscle at 5'2".... WOW!!!!! VERY, VERY IMPRESSIVE. On another note. Depression is what got me into lifting. I was in my late 30's, I had split with my ex-fiancee. For a few years I sat around feeling sorry for myself. Drank too much. Ate like shit. The next thing you know I was so big I couldn't even see my "parts" anymore. Then a buddy of mine encouraged me to go to the gym. It took me a good year or two before the bug really set in and it became a lifestyle. I now have more than surpassed him and am forever grateful for it.
    1 point
  42. I have used quite a bit of different products in the past now just seeing what works for me and my goal is to basically stay much leaner. I used to be just over 200 pounds at 5 foot 2 so I was actually carrying an awful lot of weight on a very small frame. Now i am 168 and love my transformation I have not been under a hundred and seventy in quite a few years. I strictly use BT for all my needs and absolutely love them...BT ALL THE WAY...?
    1 point
  43. I placed second, lost my card to a transgender lol ? Not bashing nor complaining but it is what it is!! Lol. Go back and try again!
    0 points
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