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Everything posted by Davis1891

  1. Hey guys, Just curious if any of you guys self medicate/regulate test replacement therapy? My doctor is infuriating me, getting to that point where I’m thinking about saying fuck it and just go at it on my own. Anyone here do that? Aside from psa’s and test results, anything else I should be keeping an eye on?
  2. I rock out the ppl quite often, it’s always been my go to. Chest/Tri/Delts (7 sets each at 4x3 for 2 exercises) Back/Lats/Traps/Bis (same as above) Quads/Ham/calves (same as above) rinse and repeat, take a rest day as needed. start at 6-8 reps, increase weight when I hit 10 reps fequency over volume wins imo
  3. That diet definitely needs to be cleaned up. 40/40/20% is usually a good starting point. You need more healthy fats in your diet. Personally, I’d start taking omega 3’s or add some salmon to your diet, whole eggs and a bit of either avocado or some olive oil. If you got some cash and really want to get shit together, look into hiring @funnyman Worth every penny.
  4. I drink bcaa’s all day long (whatever’s on sale), mixed with hydra charge (a kaged muscle product) it’s kind of like Gatorade except better https://ca.bodybuilding.com/store/kaged-muscle/hydra-charge.html?skuId=KAG2960037&PLASKU=KAG2960037&mcid=CG_PLA_CA_OD_CA_High&gclid=CjwKCAiAuMTfBRAcEiwAV4SDkQQUGpQGOKnHcFoVlBalL8v7l4WcpU8sB0XjLtHGbge8KZnfgc_0xxoCWU8QAvD_BwE
  5. Legs - squats. Chest - decline press Back - pull-ups biceps/triceps - hate working arms is that weird? shoulders - standing military press traps - barbell shrug combo’d after a deadlift
  6. Congratulations you two, can’t wait to get in shit from you guys ?
  7. What’s your stats? (Age, bodyweight, fat% etc) Whats your goal? (Bulk, fat loss, recomp, etc) Are you on any gear?
  8. Thanks man, how long have you ran it for?
  9. Hey guys, so I’ve been around for a while but I’ve never dabbled with any sarms before. I’m thinking about giving it a go to give my ass cheeks a bit of a rest from the needles, but I’ve got a few questions before I really start digging into researching more. Im thinking about trying mk-677, 1) what would the dosing be like? 2) I’ve been on trt for several years, is there any problems with injecting test cyp with this? and 3) I’ve read it can help with healing, now I’ve got severe tennis elbow (fucking horrible), would this be a cheaper alternative to bpc 157/tb-500? Thanks
  10. Labrada as well, he seemed to be more well rounded and asymmetrical to me
  11. Lots of bogo multivitamins on at bodybuilding.com
  12. I’d like to point out that a lot of stores consistently have sales and specials monthly. Sobeys and Safeway always have 50% off chicken breasts monthly (3.99 per pound) and it usually falls within the first week of the month, which is important because the 1st Tuesday of every month is an additional 15% off. That’s when you load up. And check those coupons! We can save hundreds of dollars biweekly on quality food. Also, when these types of sales are on and they don’t have any in stock at that time, you can get a rain check for quite a bit. (I’ve had 10 cases of chicken earmarked for me at one point) that you can use within 4 weeks. So if your a paycheck to paycheck kinda soul, you can really time it out and micromanage these sales on your terms. I do this all the time
  13. A pound a day? Crazy Thanks man, will definitely look into this
  14. I completely agree, all I can do is hope. He’s been a fucking disaster, but historically, it’s rare for a prime minister to only do one stint then get elected out. He’s been importing votes for years, and for the most part the east love(d) him. But he is a fuck up, he is pissing a lot of Canadians off, and he’s bungled up pretty much everything he gets his dirty hands on. It’s not 100% guaranteed that he’s going to be re-elected, probably will be, but it’s not set, especially if he continues to try and stay in the spotlight like the drama queen that he is. He’s his own worst enemy.
  15. I get a bit nauseous from it. I can’t take anymore then 2.5mg otherwise it feels like I’ll barf
  16. Thanks, I’ll look into it. I’ll take you up on that clinic of yours? My dr is very much against it
  17. I’m curious, but why would anyone need a prescription for cbd oil now? Is there a difference between prescribed and the otc that we can get at any cannibis store?
  18. 2019 election can’t come here fast enough. To be honest, I’m kind of happy he’s still doing dumb shit like this, it’ll just further solidify his ass out the door next year.
  19. I’ve just started using cbd oil a few weeks ago. I had my doubts but it helps with my tennis elbow a bit, and the anxiety at night when trying to sleep. I’m happy with it.
  20. I’ve been training fasted for over a year now. The first week was brutal, but it got much easier after that. I don’t think I can ever go back to the traditional way, I’m just so used to it. I also feel that that’s a big part of why I can stay pretty lean even during a bulk
  21. I definitely do. I got a full rack that has the pull-up bar, push/pull cables, bench with leg extension and bicep accessories, a bunch of bars, 2x treadmills and a punching bag. Best investment I ever made
  22. How do you guys track your workouts? Just curious about others out there, maybe there’s a better one than what I’m (or you) are using. Ive been using the BodySpace app from bodybuilding.com for years, it serves its purpose.
  23. That’s a tough one to answer, I think it’ll depend on the woman My wife ass over her tits, yet the opposite with my ex for example
  24. Just started to take cbd oil. So far I’ve found some mild relief on my fucked up arm, and it certainly has helped with anxiety and sleep quality, both of which are important in our worlds. Very happy that I tried it
  25. Thanks, should’ve mentioned that I’m already taking ephedrine 3 tabs x 2 daily with caffeine. (And omega 3’s, multi’s and saw pelmetto) I can’t do more then that, my heart will get weird and it’ll keep me up. Is there anything else? It’s late afternoon and evening that I’m really struggling here. It’s pissing me off, I don’t normally have this big of a problem.
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