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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/2019 in all areas

  1. When I was younger and single I loved training at the gym. But now I don’t have all that free time, also I hate people more the older I get, so I prefer my home gym. only downside to a home gym is you need to keep yourself motivated. So I leave the iPad/phone upstairs and just turn on music. I have been off for a couple of months, but now that my health is better and I can eat enough, I’m hitting the weights agsin. I’ll be back to my old self in a couple of weeks.
    4 points
  2. Not yesterday, but here's one...
    2 points
  3. I did nationals a couple years later and wound up not peaking well, and last year I did just a masters local show to try and see if I could get a masters trophy, and did win! But I was better when I was younger for sure. I just cant handle the amount of gear and food I used to be able to. This is a pic from last year on the masters stage.
    2 points
  4. I never go over Triples unless the weight is under 60% The stronger you are the more draining deadlifts become. It is an incredibly neurologically taxing exercise. It should be programmed carefully as it can effect your entire training block.
    2 points
  5. whats your fav pre workout?cocaine not included ?
    1 point
  6. H.C.G. During Your Steroid Cycle ~VERSUS~ H.C.G. Post Steroid Cycle. (pct) When To Start Using HCG? Post Cycle Therapy aka "P.C.T." is essential after any steroid cycle. There has been a lot of great PCT protocols over the years, and many bodybuilders , and Athletes alike has garnered success with following some of these etched in stone protocols. Never-the-less, anything and most everything can be and will be approved upon at some point, and I intend to show you the most effective way to recover from an Anabolic / Androgenic Steroid Cycle. You Can NOT Have Proper PCT without Proper HCG! So lets address the Misconception and Misuse of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) and show our loyal MuscleCemistry.com Readers the most efficient way to use HCG for the fastest and most complete recovery. HCG Reveil – Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCg) is a peptide hormone that mimics the action of luteinizing hormone (LH). The testicles (testes) are then Stimulated by this (LH) Luteinizing Hormone to produce testosterone. NOTE: LH is the primary signal sent from the pituitary to the testes, which stimulates the leydig cells within the testes to produce testosterone. When steroids (exogenous hormones) are introduces to the body, A QUICK DECLINE in LH Levels Occur. The cessation of an LH signal from the pituitary causes the testes to stop producing testosterone. This process leads to a quick onset of testicular degeneration, by way of a reduction of leydig cell volume, and is then followed by rapid reductions in intra-testicular testosterone (ITT), peroxisomes, and Insulin-like factor 3 (INSL3) – All important bio-markers and factors for proper testicular function and testosterone production. A small maintenance dosage of HCG ran alongside the steroid cycle can stop this "DEGENERATION" before it ever occurs! Like myself, most steroid users have been engrained to believe that HCG should be used POST STEROID CYCLE, During Their PCT. Upon reviewing the science and basic endocrinology you will see that a faster and more complete recovery is possible if hCG is ran during a cycle. Firstly, we must understand the clinical history of hCG to understand its purpose and its most efficient application. Many popular “steroid profiles” advocate using hCG at a dose of 2500-5000iu once or twice a week. These were the kind of dosages used in the historical (1960’s) hCG studies for hypogonadal men who had reduced testicular sensitivity due to prolonged LH deficiency. A prolonged LH deficiency causes the testes to desensitize, requiring a higher hCG dose for ample stimulation. In men with normal LH levels and normal testicular sensitivity, the maximum increase of testosterone is seen from a dose of only 250iu, with minimal increases obtained from 500iu or even 5000iu. (It appears the testes maximum secretion of testosterone is about 140% above their normal capacity.) If you have allowed your testes to desensitize over the length of a typical steroid cycle, (8-16 weeks) then you would require a higher dose to elicit a response in an attempt to restore normal testicular size and function – but there is cost to this, and a high probability that you won’t regain full testicular function. One term that is critical to understand is testosterone secretion capacity which is synonymous to testicular sensitivity. This is the amount of testosterone your testes can produce from any given LH or hCG stimulation. Therefore, if you have reduced testosterone secretion capacity (reduced testicular sensitivity), it will take more LH or hCG stimulation to produce the same result as if you had normal testosterone secretion capacity. If you reduce your testosterone secretion capacity too much, then no amount of LH or hCG stimulation will trigger normal testosterone production – and this leads to permanently reduced testosterone production. To get an idea of how quickly you can reduce your testosterone secretion capacity from your average steroid cycle, consider this: LH levels are rapidly decreased by the 2nd day of steroid administration. (2,9,10) By shutting down the LH signal and allowing the testis to be non-functional over a 12-16 week period, leydig cell volume decreases 90%, ITT decreases 94%, INSL3 decreases 95%, while the capacity to secrete testosterone decreases as much as 98%. Note: visually analyzing testes size is a poor method of judging your actual testicular function, since testicular size is not directly related to the ability to secrete testosterone. This is because the leydig cells, which are the primary sites of testosterone secretion, only make up about 10% of the total testicular volume. Therefore, when the testes may only appear 5-10% smaller, the testes ability to secrete testosterone upon LH or hCG stimulation can actually be significantly reduced to 98% of their normal production. (3-5) The point here is to not judge testosterone secretion capacity by testicular size. The decreased testosterone secretion capacity caused by steroid use was well demonstrated in a study on power athletes who used steroids for 16 weeks, and were then administered 4500iu hCG post cycle. It was found that the steroid users were about 20 times less responsive to hCG, when compared to normal men who did not use steroids. In other words, their testosterone secretion capacity was dramatically reduced because they did not receive an LH signal for 16 weeks. The testes essentially became desensitized and crippled. Case studies with steroid using patients show that aggressive long-term treatment with hCG at dosages as high as 10,000iu E3D for 12 weeks were unable to return full testicular size. Another study with men using low dose steroids for 6 weeks showed unsuccessful return of Insulin-like factor-3 (INSL3) concentration in the testes upon 5000iu/wk of HCG treatment for 12 weeks (6) (INSL3 is an important biomarker for testosterone production potential and sperm production. These studies show that postponing HCG usage until the end of a steroid cycle increases your need for a higher dose of hCG, and decreases your odds of a full recovery. As a consequence to using a higher dose of hCG at the end of a cycle, estrogen will be increased disproportionately to testosterone, which then causes further HPTA suppression (from high estrogen) while increasing the risk of gyno. For example, high doses of hCG have been found to raise estradiol up to 165%, while only raising testosterone 140%. Higher doses of hCG are also known to reduce LH receptor concentration and degrade the enzymes responsible for testosterone synthesis within the testes -- the last thing someone wants during recovery. While these negative effects of hCG can be partly mitigated by the use of a SERM such as tamoxifen, it will create further problems associated with using a toxic SERM (covered in another article). In light of the above evidence, it becomes obvious that we must take preventative measures to avoid this testicular degeneration. We must protect our testicular sensitivity. Besides, with hCG being so readily available, and such a painless shot, it makes you wonder why anyone wouldn’t use it on cycle. Based on studies with normal men using steroids, 100iu HCG administered everyday was enough to preserve full testicular function and ITT levels, without causing desensitization typically associated with higher doses of hCG. It is important that low-dose hCG is started before testicular sensitivity is reduced, which appears to rapidly manifest within the first 2-3 weeks of steroid use. Also, it’s important to discontinue the hCG before you start PCT so your leydig cells are given a chance to re-sensitize to your body’s own LH production. (To help further enhance testicular sensitivity, the dietary supplement Toco-8 may be used) A more convenient alternative to the above recommendation would be a twice a week shot of 200iu hCG, or possibly a once a week shot of 500iu. However, it is most desirable to adhere to a lower more frequent dose of hCG to mimic the body’s natural LH release and minimize estrogen conversion. If you are starting hCG late in the cycle, one could calculate a rough estimate for their required hCG ‘kick starting’ dosage by multiplying 40iu x days of LH absence, since the testes will be desensitized, thus requiring a higher dose. (ie. 40iu x 60 days = 2400iu HCG dose) Note: If following the on cycle hCG protocol, hCG should NOT be used for PCT. Overview For preservation of testicular sensitivity, use 100iu hCG ED starting 7 days after your first AAS dose. At the end of the cycle, drop the hCG two weeks before the AAS clear the system. For example, you would drop hCG about the same time as your last Testosterone Enanthate shot. Or, if you are ending the cycle with orals, you would drop the hCG about 10 days before your last oral dose. This will allow for a sudden and even clearance in hormone levels, while initiating LH and FSH production from the pituitary, to begin stimulating your testes to produce testosterone. Remember, recovery doesn’t begin until you are off hCG since your body will not release its own LH until the hCG has cleared the system. In conclusion, we have learned that utilizing hCG during a steroid cycle will significantly prevent testicular degeneration. This helps create a seamless transition from “on cycle” to “off cycle” thus avoiding the post cycle crash.
    1 point
  7. Hi everyone!! Name is German. 29 almost, 30 year old women. Been lifting for a while. Definitely not new to the game. Basically checking this side of the border out. I am Canadian, been living in the u.s. for the past 5 years and, recently came back home at the end of November. I am happy to be home. Miss my pitbull but, nothing I can do. I Hate intro threads! I never know what to say! BTRep referred me over, after having a hard time logging in, looks like I am finally able to log in. Feel free to ask anything. I'll be around and, ill try and be as active as possible. Enjoy your evening everyone!
    1 point
  8. How long does jack hammer stay active in your system ? I know cialis lasts me approx 36 hours want to pair it with prillegy on my order anyone have experience with this ?
    1 point
  9. Welcome to the board @German89.
    1 point
  10. Good luck getting back into it! I train at 3am at the gym no one here it’s beautiful. I hate people being around me when I train. That’s why I’m seriously debating building my own.
    1 point
  11. Welcome back and enjoy NL!
    1 point
  12. I have been very happy with the results. I don’t usually gain a lot of weight on cycle anymore, but I went up fast. That dbol is some of the beat ugl dbol I’ve tried. I’ve kept the test c and deca steady. Although I’m thinking of upping it a bit pretty soon. The test base should be in everyone’s aresenal. I need more of that and will be ordering as soon as I can. I want to try your halo. And if that halo/madol mix comes out, seriously just send it to me, I’ll pay when I get it. My weight is a steady 296-300 all the time. Was going to get some eq for appetite, but think I changed my mind. Also want to try the igf. Very happy with the results so far.
    1 point
  13. Posting pictures keeps you on track and honest. Keep up the work.
    1 point
  14. I train both at home and in public gym. The quality of the workout I get is all down to me, but there’s not as much eye candy at home.
    1 point
  15. I trained at a gym when I was younger and really enjoyed the camaraderie, but have to admit as I got older, I appreciated having no distractions in my garage. And I can crank the heavy metal, lol. Plus, I got some very good deals on Craigslist.
    1 point
  16. I was using a service in the UK for TRT , they encouraged the use of HCG throughout (250 iu e-4d), I was on TRT for 6 months before coming to CA , recovery to above then decreasing to my "normal" levels was fairly painless. I have yet to find a similar service in CA sadly and au-natural is becoming a chore to say the least. But HCG is definitely a must, for both on cycle and TRT, and the science appears to support it for the most part.
    1 point
  17. Ha ha yeah the look on my face... not sure what that was all about. I did win the overall at that one. That was in 2011.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Posting pictures here is a great idea to track progress. I would too but I don't have the balls LOL
    1 point
  20. Tuna salad sandwich and 100/gram caffeine pill. Hate pwo, they all upset my tummy edit: guess I already said this a few months ago lol
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. I’ve ran 3 grams it didn’t last long as I couldn’t stand the lethargy. if I didn’t have to work I’d do it again but I couldn’t function but imo 2 grams is better than 1 and 3 grams is better than 2 Thing is don’t jump into it all at once. I believe diminishing returns aren’t as prevalent as people think. If you start at 750 and add 250 a week I can personally guarantee the gains will keep coming IF you are training and eating right. Throw some GH and slin in there and look out
    1 point
  23. I use like a pro supps outsized , non stim, or mpa celluvol non stim, skin tearing pumps, I also add an Orion’s dmaa 25mg tab into the mix as well
    1 point
  24. Cold black coffee with a spoonful of taurine powder stirred into it, a glass of grapefruit juice and a dbol.
    1 point
  25. 2 scoop of ANS Rave stacked with 1 scoop of Dilate 20 minutes before lifting. ... Great combo for great pumps. Get so focussed. More reps and can do extra sets. Fantastic results and great for vasodilatation.
    1 point
  26. Be goddamn proud brother. Keep pushing hard. You're doing fantastic!!!
    1 point
  27. Keep it up I can tell from your first pic to now you’ve def lost some pounds!
    1 point
  28. Chosing to get off cycle was a good idea. Getting training diet and your mind right is of highest importance! Reason I mention mind right is because (I’m not being an ass) you seem to have settled that this is as far as you can get for the year... never stop trying never stop pushing yourself brother. Don’t settle for well that’s enough fuck it for the next couple weeks. Losing fat and weight isn’t easy... it comes with a mind set and a whole different life style. Live it day in day out! Good luck brother keep at it
    1 point
  29. So a sample of my workouts i thought i would put in since i dont think i ever have... I do 2o mins warmup on the treadmill on a slight incline and this and all of my workouts are on the omad fasting diet... so all i take before is literally a green tea and bring my water with me to the gym... Back workout Front pulldowns 4 sets of 25 to 30 reps each Seated rows 4 sets of 30 reps each High and low cable pulls with the rope 4 sets of each of 50 reps Bent over reverse fly 4 sets of 30 reps Face pulls 4 sets of 50 reps Always use light weight with high reps and of course i change up the exercises also to shock my back or any other bodypart i train....after done training i will do 45 mins of cardio on the upright bike or stairmaster...
    1 point
  30. is this ratio good? Dosages Working out dosages for hCG is simple. +) If you have 5,000IU hCG in the vial, and 20ml of sterile/bacteriostatic water, reconstituting this will create 250IU/ml. +) If you have 5,000IU hCG in the vial, and 10ml of sterile/bacteriostatic water, reconstituting this will create 500IU/ml. +) If you have 5,000IU hCG in the vial, and 5ml of sterile/bacteriostatic water, reconstituting this will create 1,000IU/ml. +) If you have 5,000IU hCG in the vial, and 2ml of sterile/bacteriostatic water, reconstituting this will create 2,500IU/ml. +) If you have 5,000IU hCG in the vial, and 1ml of sterile/bacteriostatic water, reconstituting this will create 5,000IU/ml.
    1 point
  31. I just rock out an eca or ecy stack when cutting, bulking then just caffeine and a tuna sandwich i can’t take most preface preworkout, every one of them fucked up my stomach. I used to make my own but then stopped
    1 point
  32. I always take a cialis and Viagra for arm days, you should see the pump the arms get. Just have to be careful and not think anything dirty or look at the girls in the gym because the pump goes down south very quick!
    1 point
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