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Everything posted by Frank.Castle

  1. Haha was just about to say I was number 2 lol. We’ve all been in a shit place at times of our lives and positive vibes help. Regardless of status we’re here to help one another I’m sure he’ll pass on the good vibes and keep this place a good place to be!
  2. Awesome man good to hear like I said stay focused you’ll get there!
  3. Lifting weights is healthier for the heart than going for a run or a walk, new research has found. Scientists looking at the health records of more than 4,000 people have concluded that, while both forms of exercise reduce the risk of developing heart disease, static activities such as weight lifting or press-ups have a greater effect than an equivalent amount of dynamic exercise such as running, walking or cycling. The research challenges commonly held assumption that so-called “cardiovascular” pursuits like running are of greatest benefit to the heart. However, it backs up previous studies which suggest that heavy static exercise gives the circulatory system a better workout because the oxygen expenditure is more intense. The Chief Medical Officer for Englandrecommends that adults take part in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week, comprising a mixture of dynamic and static activity. Professor Dr Maia Smith, who led the research at St George's University, Grenada, said: "Both strength training and aerobic activity appeared to be heart healthy, even in small amounts, at the population level. "Clinicians should counsel patients to exercise regardless - both activity types were beneficial. "However, static activity appeared more beneficial than dynamic, and patients who did both types of physical activity fared better than patients who simply increased the level of one type of activity." Researchers analysed cardiovascular risk factors, such as high blood pressure, overweight, diabetes and high cholesterol, as a function of self-reported static and/or dynamic activity in 4,086 American adults. They took part in the 2005 to 2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The researchers then adjusted for age, ethnicity, gender and smoking and stratified by age, 21 to 44 years old or over 45. In total, 36 per cent of younger and 25 per cent of older adults engaged in static activity, and 28 per cent of younger and 21 per cent of older adults engaged in dynamic activity. Researchers found engaging in either type of activity was associated with 30 to 70 per cent lower rates of cardiovascular disease risk factors, but associations were strongest for static activity and in youth. Prof Smith said: "One interesting takeaway was that both static and dynamic activity were almost as popular in older people as younger. "I believe this gives clinicians the opportunity to counsel their older patients that they will fit into the gym or the road race just fine. "The important thing is to make sure they are engaging in physical activity." The research was presented at the American College of Cardiology Latin America Conference 2018 in Lima, Peru.
  4. Hey brother checking up on how you’re making out. Hope shits looking up for you man!
  5. Grabbing some with my next order
  6. Legs leg press back t bar rows chest. Incline dumbell bis hammer curls tris rope pull down shoulder dumbbell raises traps bent arm shrugs
  7. Giving the choice of purolator or cp which is nice
  8. I’ll be following for sure!! Looking forward to it. Hoping I win the auction with all the vortex goodies!
  9. Thanks @Jake look forward to getting it
  10. It’s been going on for almost a year for Christ sakes. If my industry went on strike they’d have us back at work in 6 weeks
  11. Looked this morning at 7am saw the store but was empty! Lol congrats on getting first one
  12. Just posted in cp strike rant but read feds May step in as early as today to end the strike
  13. Cut off eating past 2-3 hours before sleeping. Early morning cardio no food just water. Rowing machine is great because it activates all muscle groups. More muscles firing = more energy spent. Do what you will not hate though. I’ve said this before on another thread but I’ll say it here too. Find something you don’t hate! I hate running on the treadmill so I don’t fuckin do it... might be a bit better I don’t know, but find something you will stick to. All fine and dandy that x exercise will do wonders but if you hate doing it what does it matter. last of all DONT LIE TO YOURSELF know where you are know that you have work to do and don’t make excuses for yourself. I’d say 80-90% of this game is mental. Telling your brain to fuck off while you get that last rep or tell your brain to fuck off when you’re starving on 1600 calories a day. If you can get that conquered you can do anything!!!
  14. Pre work out is usually demo day by Seth feroce. I train at 2/3am so just as something so it’s not a completely fasted training session. It’s a carb powder that has fast and slow absorbing compounds. When I used to try eating or protein powders before it would make me feel like crap! Bloated cramps just all around bag of shit. Demo day doesn’t bother my stomach in the least. Intra is just water usually mixed in the same shaker I had my pre in so it may have a tiny bit of carb powder still in it but essentially water post is a whey isolate on my drive to work then an hour later I will have a real meal
  15. No problem man. I’ve been trying out a combination of fast and slow movements for overall strength and size seems to be working.
  16. 12 Weeks of Sustained vs. Explosive Exercise: Which is Better for Muscle Mass By: Robbie Durand In the world of bodybuilding, there is much debate as to what the best repetition speed is best for muscle mass. Some bodybuilders prefer a slower and controlled repetition speed whereas other prefer a faster pace repetition speed. There have been top bodybuilders that have gained an incredible amount of muscle mass with both fast and slow pace contractions. Explosive lifting rates have been found to produce significant increases in both maximum and explosive strength. For example, if you watch football players and track athletes in the gym, they focus on speed. Many studies have found that training styles such as super slow training to be inferior to training with a faster-paced repetition speed. The only athletes that use super slow training are bodybuilders because no athlete in their right mind would want to move slowly. There have not been many studies that have compared explosive style repetition speeds to controlled, slower lifting speeds. Researchers set out to examine whether slow and controlled vs. explosive training was best for muscle mass. The subjects in the training groups performed four sets of 10 unilateral isometric knee extension contractions three times per week for 12 weeks. 43 young, healthy males were randomly allocated into either: an explosive training group (performed each repetition by contracting as fast and hard as possible for around 1 second), – a sustained training group (gradually increasing to 75% of maximum voluntary torque before holding for 3 seconds). The results were fascinating, to say the least for both fast and slow and controlled lifting. Muscle Strength For muscle strength, both slow and explosive training increased muscle strength but explosive improved contractions at all time points (50, 100 and 150ms) by 17 – 34% but sustained contractions only improved knee extension torque during explosive contractions in the late phase by 12%. So explosive training increased muscle strength thru the entire range of the movement whereas the slow and controlled increased strength only in the later phase of motion. The researchers stated, “In this case, brief explosive contractions up to a high loading magnitude appear to be an efficient means of increasing maximum strength without the requirement for sustained muscular contractions. Furthermore, if loading magnitude is the primary stimulus for maximum strength gains, then it is possible that even higher loading magnitudes than those employed in the current study, which may be achievable during very short contractions, could provide an even greater stimulus for enhancing maximum strength. ” So if you are an athletes and want to improve competitive sports movements, then clearly explosive training movements are going to be more beneficial. Muscle Size For muscle size, despite the faster lifting speed being better for muscle strength, the slow and controlled lifting group had greater increases in muscle mass. In fact, the slow and controlled group had three-fold greater hypertrophy after slow and controlled than fast and explosive. Slow and sustained contractions increased total quadriceps volume by 8.1% whereas explosive training increased muscle volume by 2.6%. Slow and controlled training indicates that this adaptation is dependent on loading duration. Meaning the muscle lifted slow and controlled had greater loading over the workouts. The researchers found that training-specific functional changes that appeared to be due to distinct neural and hypertrophic adaptations. Explosive training produced a wider range of functional adaptations than slow and controlled training, and given the lesser demands of explosive training, this type of training provides a highly efficient means of increasing function. Key Points: If your looking to increase muscle strength than lifting fast and explosive seems to be the way to go, but if you are looking to pack on muscle than lifting with a slower and controlled manner seems to be most beneficial.
  17. Listen to @funnyman from all accounts I’ve heard he’s amazing at what he does and full of great info.
  18. Check out under nutrition section there’s a great thread for inexpensive good food helps pay day go a lot further at the grocery store. This isnt an overnight game brother have to keep at it have a good mind set and get uncomfortable! Hunger pains, joint pain muscle pain tendon pain mental pain. Gotta fight through it all and keep on track man and you’ll see changes.
  19. Few thing I’ve found works for me on my quads Start your work out with 15 mins on the stair climber to get blood moving and joints warm. during leg extensions when reaching full extension hold count of 3 at top lower half way count of 2. You’ll be dying at rep 5-6 but keep going i found on the leg press if you don’t lock your knees at full extension it keeps tension on the muscles. I super set my leg press with walking lunges Just what I’ve found works for me
  20. I always love trying new things in my routine. Keeps my body guessing. Training is all about shocking the body so throwing a new exercise in here or there I find really makes a difference for me. Thanks @musclebeauty another great bit of info as always
  21. Thanks man looking forward to following your progress best of luck!
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