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  1. This is not a blast, this is a warmup to a blast. I’ve not had good halo since the pharma grade I got in Mexico years ago, so I’ll see how this stuff goes. My cruise is usually 500 mgs.
    2 points
  2. @Frostislandking yes I have tried anadrol and loved it for strength. Strength went up in 1 week but unfortunately I had to stop it at 3 weeks because my kidney values were out of whack. They returned to normal one month after stopping but I think I can no longer run anadrol at my age. For halo I run it as a preworkout on training days only at 20-40 mg, this didn't cause me any issues so I may try it again but stay at 20 mg preworkout. I have read that guys use halo only the week leading up to the powerlifting meet and see a jump in strength.
    2 points
  3. I use the waldon farms mayo so that shouldn’t be a problem some green onion and celery may be good
    1 point
  4. If pinning 100mcg daily, that means 50mcg each muscle/ each side I would use des on weak lagging muscles and use slin on other days
    1 point
  5. I train at a gym. I'm just not mentally prepared for a meet at the moment. I have some personal things and goals to hit then, I might transition over to powerlifting
    1 point
  6. Alright let’s hear it. What is the highest dose of tren you have ever ran? What esters? For how long? How were the results? Anyone find the upper limit with tren where they feel adding more won’t do anything further?
    1 point
  7. Do you train at home then? If so, all you need is a power rack, a good texas power bar, lots of weights, and a bench that can be moved into the power rack to bench. Set up a 4 day a week program based around the main lifts. You could do a squat and assistance day, a bench and assistance day, a deadlift and assistance day, and then a fourth day could be shoulders and assistance. If not prepping for a meet stick to 6-8 rep range on main lifts for 3 sets, try and do 4 week cycles increasing weight each week by 5 lbs or so. That is just a basic idea for you to start with.
    1 point
  8. Hurry up and wait brother ahaha
    1 point
  9. That's awesome, I love sust but I always suffer from the bite but love the results I may try one day
    1 point
  10. Workout Back Just did pulls. Focusing on TUT. Rows Rack pulls And 2 tricep exercises Burned 420 calories in 20 mins today.
    1 point
  11. Thank you @Jr., always a pleasure talking to a fellow comrade! NL family! This guy here is a straight shooter just like myself so we seem to get along well :)!
    1 point
  12. I like this. I have to ask if you can poke somewhere else other than fingers. I cannot get blood from my fingers, my skin is too thick. It was funny because my buddy came over to show me how to use a blood sugar monitor and he poked my finger all over likeky 6 times and gave up. I have to use my knees.
    1 point
  13. What test do you guys order off this site for mid cycle check? The Male Hormone advanced? Does this provide a lipid profile as well?
    1 point
  14. Superdrol is amazing for body recomp, didnt find it great for strength tho. My calf pumps would keep me up at night though, i could barely walk @rhynoplanet have you tried anadrol by any chance to compare? Havent done m1t since high school thats when it was sold at gnc and i knew nothing about anything. Old school shit, didnt even know what steroids or PH were back then. Dude just said id get jacked. I could feel my liver hurting though
    1 point
  15. Call up the idiots in the 416 they’ll tell you it’s a great idea
    1 point
  16. If anavar is your favorite, maybe trying m1t or superdrol isn't a good idea because you'll never go back. Precision makes good M1T if you're looking for it.
    1 point
  17. I still haven't tried M1T, Superdrol or T-bol, but of the rest, anavar is still far my favorite. It just does everything i need, perfectly. And its more than strong enough. I've not yet done a proper halo experiment, but i've dabbled with it and the results were underwhelming. I really wanted that one to work, as it sounds perfect on paper. They all have different strengths. For instance, when i need shit to happen NOW... i'll blast some anadrol. 3 days in and i know something's going on. I dont always need that, but it happens. Once i got some bad gear right before a competition and my orals ran out. Threw in a week of anadrol and between the two (coming off the var and coming on the drol) i more than had my needs covered. M1T sounds interesting, but i'm not a fan of short blasts (i like 8 weeks or more). Still...might try it if i can find some good stuff. Last source i had for M1T was sketchy, so i didn't bother.
    1 point
  18. I tend to pulse the DBol (20-40mg max) where I take it only on heavy lifting days 30-60mins pre-workout and that's it. Otherwise the back pumps were crippling for me. Var I would take daily (usually 40-60mg/d) and have done as much as 200mg/d (did it with stuff i capped myself), I only ran it for 2-3 weeks but got very lean and hard during that time.
    1 point
  19. No. I want to. Later in the year. There arent any gyms around here though and, I dont know how to really prepare myself for one.
    1 point
  20. Yeah I use these guys all the time. Have been using them to track bloods whilst on cycle. Usually takes 1-2 weeks to get the pack, prick your finger then send it back (paid for). They receive it the next day and results are usually released in 3-4 days. Expensive but its awesome. And anonymous.
    1 point
  21. Thanks, good info. Hard to find a doctor to do Testosterone test if under 40 in my neck of the woods. I ordered a kit today. How long get results back?
    1 point
  22. They are very receptive I send message to them and stuff start to change ( not sure it is because of me) so if we ask my feeling is they will do ?
    1 point
  23. Wow I was looking for exactly this for a while now. I prefer paying than having to go through my doc, thank you very much.
    1 point
  24. I looked and it didn't seem like they do - which is a shame
    1 point
  25. Last cycle 750/20 weeks tren e,week 10-11 night sweats,heartburns,shitty sleep.next time ill try lower dose 350-400/week and see if results are still there.
    1 point
  26. Suddenly I feel like a conservative haha. I've run ace at 350mg a week and enth at 600mg a week. I personally prefer the long ester, mostly because I find it feels stable at 3 injections a week and for some reason I never get a cough with enth. At the side effects for me at 600mg were virtually non existent until about week 12 when my sleep suffered.
    1 point
  27. Tren is very... very special indeed.
    1 point
  28. Tren is so special I guess the no pain no gain explain Tren very well lol , I am starting at low dose in December with the cold I hope it will be better lol
    1 point
  29. My one Tren run was TRT Test (120mg/week) and 120-160mg/week TrenE and while I I did get good results (getting stronger while leaning out) I also sweat like an absolute villain. I'd have the AC pinned in the car so that I could see my breath, and changing my shirt and underwear three times a day. I also had the bronchial tightness. It got better after the first couple of weeks but didn't go away until weeks after I stopped the Tren.
    1 point
  30. Sucks man how one compound can affect people differently.
    1 point
  31. Ya I may be a weirdo, but i'll run 200mg Tren E a week just for the psychological benefits. I've never gone over 700mg week Tren E. I ran that with trt levels of test for 12 weeks. Felt great. If I ran that amount with high test I'd be a rabid sexual deviant.
    1 point
  32. 200mg tren e per week was more than enough to get positive results without any sides for me.
    1 point
  33. I will get bash to ask this question here but! here we go! lol ( honestly you all have Tren experience) - What about The lowest dose to get return and lowest side? ? jet
    1 point
  34. How are u guys not getting tren cough? I've ran Tren-A 100-150 eod and I get them once in a while but Im not sure if Tren-E will do the same.
    1 point
  35. I ran 1000 mg E a week (500 sun/wed) no rage or any of that. Obviously the no sleep/night sweats/tren cough sides but no more than lower doses it seemed. But had to stop after a month and a half (ish?) as it was killer on my digestive flora. Guts couldn’t take it. Not sure I was on that dose long enough to say I saw any significant difference by comparison. Live and learn I guess. Haha.
    1 point
  36. I've ran as high as 1,400mg Tren Ace before... Back in the good ole' GH15 days - more of an experiment than anything. I really like 700mg of Ace a week, thats about as high as I go now, and thats only the last couple weeks during a contest prep, never touch it otherwise. In all honesty, I noticed no difference in doubling the dose (keep in mind it was only for a week and a half - but still).
    1 point
  37. 100 eod first and only time I did tren ace, I couldn't handle the sides, no sleep-none at all, a bit of sweating but the no sleep thing , along with some depression/anxiety told me it was not for me
    1 point
  38. 1200/wk. (800 E + 400 Ace). For a month or so. This was on month 3 of a 4 month run last summer. It was total overkill, but I just wanted too see what happens, and nothing really happened worth mentioning. 800/wk is max that I do as it feels just right, with 500 Test. Sometimes a little Mast. This is what I'm on right now: Mon/Thurs = 1cc TNT450 + 0.5cc Tren Ace , Tues/Fri = 1.5cc Tren Ace. Keeps it nice and simple with only 4 pins a week, glutes and quads.
    1 point
  39. 420 of ace a week that was my 420 cycle of fast esters lol 420 TPP 420 TA 420 NPP 420 MP . Really great cycle recomped and grew crazy at the same time. Done with tren now though too old and it makes me way too aggressive. I am aggressive enough on just test but that is normal male aggression I had my whole life even before I became deficient and hit TRT. I did though discover something with that last tren run I started halving the dosage and injecting 2 times per day and bada bing bada bang bada boom no sides like sweats heartburn ect . Ran the whole deal two pins a day 30 mg each per pin 12 hours apart. The tren was close to 6 weeks so say 5.5 weeks when I dropped it cause the Mrs was commenting on me being a little too gorilla at times and my BP was borderline closing in on 140 and 90. Yeah tren is a great compound no doubt but its also going to make all of us pay a price down the road either career, health or relationship wise. The positive effects can not be denied nor can the negative long term effects. I Know its not just me but how many of you guys notice a huge increase in female attention while on tren? My wife noticed quite a few times when I was oblivious and drinking my coffee or eating my food ect. Thankfully she is cool with that shit 95% of the time. Now days I am sticking to the milder stuff that's easier on 5 decade muscles and organs. Things like mast primo EQ var, proviron, and a new addition Tbol which I really like as well. I do like NPP/Deca but not what it does for cardiac remodeling ect. Makes old joints feel great but if you have to have surgery ( Arnold twice for valve issues) its not really worth the risk anymore after having done my fair share in the past. Any of you folks that know me know I would shrivel up and die without mast lol rut it with my trt when I am just being normal and ramp it up when I am over trt doses. Yeah more info than you asked for but LOL. G
    1 point
  40. So you were running 700mg a week? Wow that's a lot. I bet you looked awesome. I'd be a raging lunatic! Wow. I'm currently running 100mg of ace eod. So that equates to 300-400mg per week. Seems to work for me well in the 400mg range.
    1 point
  41. To add to my earlier post, I'm off the Tren now, and only because I felt I should probably take a break. Jan 02 was my last pin on an 8 month run. Averaged 700 to 800 Tren /wk. Base was TNT450 (500 test / 400 Tren) per wk + Tren Ace at varying amounts to make up the differance and I adjusted on the fly depending on how I felt. Last pin was because I went away on vacation down south to get some sun, so loaded up and hit the road. I've never looked better, or felt better. Strength was consistantly through the roof, and cardio was no sweat ? I honestly think I should have just kept going when I got back, but a break and some Deca will be a nice change. Took a week off working out too just to enjoy time with the fam and now I'm sore AF after first week back into routine, strength down a bit, and might have pulled a tendon in my forearm. Back to being a mortal I guess... for now... Summer is coming. I love Tren!
    0 points
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